2023 Nagle's Got Talent Digital and Photographic Arts Competition

Nagle's Got Talent Digital Arts and Photographic Competition is an opportunity for students across all year levels to share their talents with the school community while supporting their House.

Sharon Williams



Thank you and congratulations to all our students and staff who participated in the 2023 Nagle's Got Talent Photograph and Digital Arts Competition. Mrs Bailey was pleased to see so many students take up the opportunity to submit their work. Over 100 images and photographs were submitted, from which our finalists were selected. These finalists represent all seven Houses and all year levels. Included in the gallery below are all of the submissions we received. Please enjoy this virtual gallery.

Junior Photography Entries

Please click through the images below to enjoy our Junior students' entries.

Junior Digital Arts Entries

Click through the images below to see enjoy our students' Junior Digital Arts entries.

Senior Photography Entries

Click through the images below to enjoy our students' Senior Photography entries.

Senior Digital Arts Entries

Click through the images below to enjoy our students' Senior Digital Arts submissions.

Staff Photography Entries

Click through the images below to enjoy our staff Photography entries.

Staff Digital Arts Entries
