Write a Book in a Day team receives Commended Award

The Write a Book in a Day competition commences in May each year and is a large fundraising event for the Kids Cancer Project. The competition involves teams of 5-10 members who must raise funds and participate in a 12 hour writing session in which a children’s book is created based on set parameters. The books are published and then distributed through hospitals to children receiving cancer treatment.

This year 1,252 teams were involved, from 507 schools and writing groups across Australia. Teams competed in four different levels starting in Primary School (grades 5 & 6) and working through to open teams of adults. Amongst them were three teams from the Nagle Year 9 Enhanced English program as well as other keen writers and illustrated from Year 9 and 10. Our writing day was on Friday September 3rd from 8am-8pm. This date was originally set for earlier in the year, but a snap lockdown meant it was postponed to the 3rd. Again, this was when we were in lock-down so all our groups were required to compete remotely – communicating over Google Meet and Google Docs. It was a day that challenged students in various ways but particularly in terms of their ability to work together as a team, work to a time frame, and work creatively whilst incorporating set parameters.

The three teams managed to raise $2919.05 collectively for the Kids Cancer Project which is a fantastic effort and their three created stories (Team 1s ‘Wacky Wedding’; Team 2s ‘Who We Want To Be’; and Team 3s ‘Clues to Happiness’) will be amongst those distributed to the sick children. The competition winners were announced on the 10th of November and the standard of entries was incredible. We are very proud of the efforts of all of the students but would like to acknowledge the work of students in Team 3, whose book ‘Clue to Happiness’ received a ‘Commended’ – effectively putting them third in the Victorian, SA and TAS Middle School division, which is an incredible achievement. I would like to call on the students involved now to receive their certificates for their involvement and publicly acknowledge them for their efforts. Congratulations go to:

From Team 1

  • Emily Pendergast,
  • Maggie Anderson
  • Meg Perry
  • Billy Matthews
  • Mia Chapman
  • Cohen McLellan

From Team 2

  • AJ Manuell
  • Faith Perry
  • Amy Allender
  • Abbey Rentsch
  • Alexandra Holmes
  • Elaina Wolfe

and from Team 3

  • Alex Hamilton
  • Charlotte Bingley
  • Braidan Wylie
  • Emily Kim
  • Isabella Foo
  • And Lucy McGuinn

Thank-you to everyone who supported the fundraiser and the students and to Ms Lucas for her work with the students. Next year we hope to be involved again. Announcements will be made closer to the time for students who may wish to register for a team and take part in this fantastic opportunity.

Nagle honours Remembrance Day

At 11am on 11 November, Nagle College remembered more than 102,000 service men and women from the navy, army and air force who have given their lives in wars, conflicts and peace keeping operations.

Nagle students have always played an important role in delivering a poignant and heartfelt service. Students are largely responsible for delivering the service, volunteering to read, sing, and lay flowers at the base of Nagle’s ANZAC Memorial. This year was no exception.

While Covid restrictions prevented the College from gathering all together, classes each took a moment at 10:55 am to watch a pre-recorded presentation, timed to allow for a minute of silence at 11 am. Featured in this presentation was special guest and WWII veteran, Mr Bruce Crowle. Mr Crowle served in the Royal Australian Navy as a Signalman on the HMAS Australia.

Outdoors, a dozen students delivered an intimate service, with a focus on the poppy which has now become an international symbol of sacrifice and loss.

“I am again overwhelmed by the Nagle students who ‘rise up’ each year to honour those who have served Australia in wartime and peacekeeping operations. The students connect with and are inspired by the ANZAC spirit: mateship, courage, loyalty, endurance and resourcefulness,” said Ms Julie Henley, Nalge’s Cultural Events Coordinator.

Fresh Art VIII - a virtual exhibition

Fresh Art VIII is the culmination of two years of artistic exploration and study by students.

Fresh Art VIII is the culmination of two years of artistic exploration and study by students in Studio Arts and Visual Communication Design. Throughout VCE units 1 to 4, students developed their thinking and working practices to create a body of work that reflects their personal concepts, ideas, directions, explorations, aesthetic qualities and technical skills. To complete the VCE requirements for Studio Arts, at least two finished artworks that resolve the student’s intentions must be created. Year 12 Visual Communication Design students were required to present either 2D design and imagery or 3D industrials design models and architecture for a client of their choice.

Meet the Artists

M Bannister

'Utilitarian' is inspired by the idea of creating aesthetic artwork from practical maps, making art out of something that is ‘designed to be useful or practical rather than attractive’ (the definition of utilitarian). This piece is hand-coloured linocut.

'Destination' was created with a focus on portraying the deeper connections people have with certain places, that Magnetic Island is more than a holiday destination. This piece is mixed media.

I wanted to explore the movement of bubbles and the transition of colours. The spiral begins with warm colours on the bottom right corner and flows around transitioning to cool colours. I want to present the depth in ‘Spiraling’ and relate that to the viewer and how the colours change with the depth, and then relate this to how people do not appear the same on the outside as they are on the inside.

'Fragile Thoughts' explores the similarities between bubbles and the human mind. I want the viewers to connect their thoughts to those in ‘Fragile Thoughts’ and I want the colours in the background to remind them of the unstable and fragile mind. The colour is an explosion in the background to represent the chaos many people experience with their emotions and thoughts.

N Corby

My ceramic sculptural bust - 'Searching for yellow' - explores the complex conception of the spectrum of human emotions. The sculpture is painted blue to represent the sadness surrounding the bust with green eyes to show the envy felt of those happy.

My sculpture ‘Insecurities in a world of uncertainty’ is created out of plater bandages and explores the distorted outlook people have when looking at themselves and the world we live in. I placed the hands around the sculpture to show the feeling of being trapped and also showing a sense of security.

The artwork explores the emotions of loss and heartbreak using the imagery of the eyes being “the window to the soul” and the heart as a symbol for feelings and emotions.

C Filmer

Romantic High Country is an acrylic Painting showing the remote isolated Victorian high country and how the landscape can be beautiful is remote areas. It also highlights the diverse biodiversity of East Gippsland showing a variety of native flora and fauna.

Gabo Lighthouse is an acrylic Painting showing below and above water landscape at Gabo Lighthouse, the sunken ship highlights the importance of lighthouse for ships. It also highlights the diverse biodiversity of East Gippsland showing a variety of native flora and fauna.

'Dreaming of Summer Nights' is an acrylic piece inspired through the desire for summer to return once more and to have the opportunity to experience the atmospheric feeling that occurs at dusk. The imagery conveys ideas of the piece being something that was once an event and is now being remembered through a dream.

'To Be a Child' is an acrylic series which explores ideas surrounding childhood innocence and how this effects their perspective on life whether that be through their interpretation of events or stories

A new design for the Lakes Entrance skate park was developed. This design works to develop multi skill level areas that would encourage younger skaters while also challenging the proficient. He also designed a Poster advertising a fictitious skate competition that could be held with the opening of the new skate park.

A Grassby

My portraits are titled, ‘Daniel’ and ‘Lauren’ and are done in graphite pencil. They are about emotions and depicting personality as well as illustrating realistically into the portraits.

Inspired by personal interpretation of the William Blake poem, 'Fair Elenor' explores loss, being stuck between life and death, as well as the haunting feeling that experience would leave. The juxtaposition of colour and monochromatic greyscale place emphasis on the emotions explored.

Chole Higgins developed a new logo and landscape redesign for a local garden center. Adding a café for patrons was part of the client criteria.

Soleil Levings worked in the architecture discipline redesigning learning centre and “learning pods” for a university/school. She also redeveloped the logo for the architecture company naming it LAL.

'Do androids dream of Yves-Klein sheep?' investigates ideas in relation to identity and lack thereof in an individualistic society. I wanted to explore, through many small similar shaped and sized heads, how we lose our uniqueness in the quest for obtaining it. I tried to visualise the theory "if all of us are special, are any of us special?".

The choice of a colour referencing the infamous ‘Yves-Klein Blue’ is to show the ways in which certain imagery or aesthetics can become exclusive or elite, and intentionally unattainable to wider society, and the unattainability making these aesthetics desirable. Similar to how people may alter their appearance with the intent to set them apart from others, when, in reality, they end up looking the same.

‘One Eye Open’ explores how our appearances are deceiving and how themes of deception, from past and present, intertwine. In both pieces I used imagery of faces through my own drawings and appropriation of famous sculptures, applying bold bright colours to convey a particular meaning in relation to identity.

The 4 final artworks in the second piece cohesively illustrate my fascination with the deception and facades through the theme of identity in a contemporary and classical world. The works explore the identity and how that may be altered through a formulated façade, and also the assumptions made on people’s appearance.

Tyler redeveloped the logo for a local flying instructing school. A poster was also developed to promote the business.

I have explored photographic effects in the studio to give emotion and feeling to a portrait - as seen in Self-portrait Series 1 and 2. Initially the aim was to take portraits of other people but I altered by focus to self-portraits due to the Covid lockdown. All photographs were taken in a temporary studio I set up at home.

'Lost Love' is a watercolour painting that represents a women who has just lost a loved one and the blue background signifies her pool of tears. However the flowers that extend out of the female figure move freely, because only after trauma comes new beginnings.

'The Mind's Desire' is also a watercolour painting that has the meaning of peace, calm and relaxed. It shows the peaceful mindset through the use of flowers and shares the effect nature has on displaying emotion.

My portraits are called 'Happy' and 'Angry' and the poem is sad. They are about emotions and are done in watercolour, guache and colour pencil.

‘Frozen in Time’ is a cast taken of my elderly neighbours hand, the cast is placed in a glass bowl along with a pocket watch and dried flowers to capture time.

‘Timeless love’ is a watercolour painting of flowers in a pot with Roman numerals around the edge to show the effect of time on the environment.

2021 Dux

Renae Jones has been congratulated on being the VCE dux of Nagle College for 2021. She achieved an ATAR of 96. Kasey Nichols was also congratulated on being the dux of the VCAL cohort.

Nagle College is once again pleased to commend our 2021 Year 12 students on their achievements and successful completion of their secondary education. They have shown their adaptability and been prepared to persevere in such challenging circumstances over the past two years. The outcomes for students were impressive for the 64 students sitting the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) exams and the 21 students studying the Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL). Students successfully completed these certificates and gained recognition for their work and effort. The 2021 Year 12 students are now looking forward to moving towards the next chapter of their life and taking opportunities giving them access to a wide range of options.

The principal of Nagle College, Mr Neville Powles, said that it was pleasing that 17% of students achieved an Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR) above 80 and 30% above 70. These scores were backed up by the whole student population with 75% achieving an ATAR over 50 and a medium subject study score of 28.

The College is always looking to improve student performances and give them every opportunity to achieve as well as they possibly can. Our students have a strong track record of forging successful pathways in further education, training and employment once they finish secondary schooling – and the 2021 group can now look forward confidently to taking up opportunities to secure their future options.

Renae Jones has been congratulated on being the VCE dux of Nagle College for 2021. She achieved an ATAR of 96. Renae is looking forward to taking a GAP year in 2022 during which she will focus on her sport of clay target shooting. She will give further consideration to a tertiary course beyond 2022.

It was also pleasing to see many students achieving study scores over 40 across a range of subjects including Further Maths, Biology, Religion and Society, Sport & Recreation, Business Management, Physical Education and Legal Studies.

Whilst the current focus has been on the students who completed their Year 12 VCE studies, there is a significant group of students who completed their VCAL certificates this year. Many of these have achieved outstanding outcomes even though it is still early times. Students are gaining full time employment, apprenticeships and traineeships.

Mr Powles congratulated Kasey Nichols who was the dux of the VCAL cohort. Kasey has secured employment at Style & Co in Bairnsdale.

In a competitive marketplace students are being offered apprenticeships and local employers are pleased to employ Nagle College students. The students are reaping the benefits of an engaging and challenging applied learning program that prepares them with the skills to make an effective transition into the workplace.

Celebrating the class of 2021

Nagle College congratulates the class of 2021 on the successful completion of their secondary schooling.

College Captains' Address

By Duncan Fisher

We gather today to celebrate the graduation of the class of 2021, we all appreciate you being here to celebrate it with us and would like to thank you.

Some of you will know me well enough to know I’m into my fishing. This year I got REALLY into fishing. Fishing is called fishing and not catching because usually, you do that - spend most of the time fishing and not catching. Unfortunately. Likewise; the journey we are all on is education and not graduation, it’s about the connections we make along the way, whether that’s with teachers, tutors or friends and the memories we make with them.

Despite my surname I don’t come from a family that fishes. For me a big part this journey was learning to ask for help when I needed it, going to tackle shops, speaking to the old bloke on the jetty or, if I was really desperate, Charlie; slowly building up my knowledge. And to be honest, it’s a lot like Year 12. If you want to increase your chances for success take every opportunity and use every resource handed to you.

A lot of fishing is just fishing and a lot of education is just education. It’s not your Year 12 exams and it’s not getting your ATAR. I know for many of us it’s all about the journey. Alongside the curriculum, the conversations we have and the places we go with these conversations make experiences that set us up for the future.

To the younger year levels - to those of you who are listening - my only advice would be to take it seriously but not too seriously. Have time to breathe, or fish, and enjoy the journey. Finally remember that if COVID has taught us anything it is that if things change that are outside of our control “it is what it is” and you’re in control of you.

On one last important note - thank you to the parents, the mates, the family, the family friends and the teachers and tutors who picked us up when we were down and always pushed us to do our best. Without their never-ending support, I’m sure I can speak for most of us when I say, we wouldn’t have made it this far without them and for that we are grateful.

By Ellen Pini

I am shocked at how similar my first day of prep and my last day of Year 12 are. I began my education crying my little heart out. And I will end my education crying my little heart out. In prep it was because I was scared of change and how different school would be to kindergarten, in year 12 its because still because of change and how scary the future seems.

We have spent the past 13 years in a comfortable routine and now we have to step into the adult world and use critical thinking for once. The world outside of school is an adventure waiting to happen. And, yes, I know some of us don’t even know what path we are going to take, because of course, “you don’t know what you don’t know”. But I am willing to bet that not a single one of us will take the same path. We may stay friends and family for a little while longer, but a new life awaits as, and as Ferris Bueller once said “Life Moves Pretty Fast. If You Don’t Stop And Look Around Once In A While, You Could Miss It.” Even though we may go our separate ways we still have the memories of our time together, I am more than grateful for each and every one of you, making this high school experience the best it could have been.

As superhero and imaginary friend, Lavagirl, once said “Everything that is or was began with a dream”. Our dreams are our future. Our dreams of becoming doctors and saving lives. our dreams of becoming artist and spreading colour and culture throughout out communities. Our dreams of becoming teacher and guiding future generations into the world that we will have gifted them. Our dreams of becoming politicians and taking a holiday to Hawaii.

I can’t even imagine what we have put our poor parent through these past two years. Online learning is hard enough, but to do it in year 12?!?! Our parents have had to put up with breakdowns, mood swings and late late nights, and for their patients I say thank you. Our teachers have had to deal with our overdue tasks, our missing assessments, and our bad Wi-Fi. Their tolerance and encouragement have kept us going. And we could not have done this without you.

I want to give a shout out to the class of 2021. we have experienced the “year like no other” two years in a row and have still triumphed. I want you to remember this; no matter how you feel about your SACs, how you feel about your exams or if you are a VCAL kid, you need to know that I am proud of you. No matter what.

My final thank you is to Duncan, who made this challenging year less difficult with his iconic banter and sometimes not so helpful advice.

If I could give you any advice for the future, it would be this; “it is what it is”.

Nagle honours Remembrance Day

At 11am on 11 November, Nagle College remembered more than 102,000 service men and women from the navy, army and air force who have given their lives in wars, conflicts and peace keeping operations.

Amanda Vowell

Marketing Officer


Nagle students have always played an important role in delivering a poignant and heartfelt service. Students are largely responsible for delivering the service, volunteering to read, sing, and lay flowers at the base of Nagle’s ANZAC Memorial. This year was no exception.

While Covid restrictions prevented the College from gathering all together, classes each took a moment at 10:55 am to watch a pre-recorded presentation, timed to allow for a minute of silence at 11 am. Featured in this presentation was special guest and WWII veteran, Mr Bruce Crowle. Mr Crowle served in the Royal Australian Navy as a Signalman on the HMAS Australia.

Outdoors, a dozen students delivered an intimate service, with a focus on the poppy which has now become an international symbol of sacrifice and loss.

“I am again overwhelmed by the Nagle students who ‘rise up’ each year to honour those who have served Australia in wartime and peacekeeping operations. The students connect with and are inspired by the ANZAC spirit: mateship, courage, loyalty, endurance and resourcefulness,” said Ms Julie Henley, Nalge’s Cultural Events Coordinator.
